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has a new vision.

When I started "Inspiring Hands", the vision was simple. I wanted to find a way to support the friends I had made in Dominican Republic. These were strong, beautiful, talented women who seemed to be 'stuck' in their roles as wives and mothers. The bracelet project was my small way to help them earn money and a great way to intentionally spend time with them and learn more about their lives - so different from my own. 


Somewhere between 2013 and 2023, this vision came to life, changed, restructured and grew into something I didn't recognize anymore. 


When COVID hit and we took a break, we pivoted from traveling to serve communities abroad to supporting our local Central Florida community.   


Women's economic disparity is a global issue with many layers to uncover and solutions yet to be seen. There are some political powerhouses fighting for equality and countless organizations doing good work in this field. I am determined to be part of the global fight for the rights of women and for the strength of families, especially in our communities of color.  


Somehow along this entrepreneurial journey I forgot why I started this in the first place. I was chosen for this. This mission is my God-given purpose and the vision for what it needs to be has gotten lost in the shuffle of my everyday struggles. â€‹

Three truths and a lie:


I am committed to continuing to be a fully present mom


I am blessed to have strong friends in my circle who won't let me quit


I am thankful to have a family who hold me accountable to my capabilities


Women can have it all


That last one is the lie. Before you get mad, Michelle Obama is the one that said it. You CAN have it all, just not all at once. This was my mistake. I was trying to be everything to everyone all at once. This is an impossible task that women are faced with juggling every single day as the head and heart of their households.


I spent the last 6 months ignoring my calling, seeing it as a hinderance and actually blaming it for breaking my family apart. But I see a clear vision of what needs to happen, it comes to me in my dreams. I know that's weird to read, it is equally weird to write. But it is true. 


When I shut down "Inspiring Hands" I told you to listen to your intuition. Meanwhile, I was ignoring mine. 


Starting this organization has been one of my greatest accomplishments because it is something I started without anyone expecting it. It came from my own mind, and it grew organically. I just hadn't learned how to grow with it. 


It will take time to create a new structure. It will take many hands to come together to build this up to its potential but I am realizing time is what you make it. Being busy with the RIGHT things is a good feeling. Staying busy with the wrong things was my problem and with your help, I will get focused on the right things in 2025. 


Thank you,

Vanessa Hornedo




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Inspiring Hands is a registered 501c3 nonprofit organization. EIN 83-2021736.

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